An accomplished photojournalist and a gifted artist, Tina Brogi bases her photography on her unique vision and immense passion for photographing people. A unique photojournalistic approach -- one of compassion, attention to detail, and social awareness -- frames Tina's photographs. Ultimately her beautiful wedding albums turn into not just collections of stunning photographs, but social documentaries of a caliber to which very few photographers can aspire.
Visit Tina Photography's website

When you first started your business ten years ago, what were your priorities?
My first priority, as with most new business owners, was to build a customer base and deliver extraordinary photojournalistic work. As the years brought me success, I realized that I had to begin developing my business so it would evolve and grow with the increased demand for my services. Although most people think that a photography business is all about photography, I can't stress enough the importance of an organized back-office. As the years progressed, my wedding photography business was growing beyond my own belief. I didn't want to get to the point where my business was running me versus me running my business, since this is the trap most business owners find themselves in at some point in their career. I also realized that I didn't need to work harder, but smarter!

What were the steps that you took to streamline your work?
My first task was to embrace technology; this wasn't easy in an industry that doesn't necessarily like to try new things. I consider myself very lucky, since I've never been resistant to change. In fact, I love learning new things that ultimately allow me to improve some aspect of my business and offer better service to my customers. Education is also very important to me. I attend many seminars and conferences throughout the year. I always come back refreshed and motivated, often excited about adding a new element to my business.

What did you think when you first heard of OfficeGenius?
When I heard about OfficeGenius, I was very interested and it didn't take me long to figure out that a virtual office was definitely the next step in developing my business. It was incredible timing because I had just attended several seminars, including a particularly interesting one in Canada, which focused on progressive and innovative ways of organizing a photography business and even steps on developing a paperless office environment. I was inspired by the seminar and upon my return, immediately started to research available software for photographers. Unfortunately, most were clunky and expensive. Many were missing key components, such as universal accessibility, as well as easy-to-use interfaces and freedom of customizing. When I was introduced to OfficeGenius, it sounded like just what I'd been looking for!

Once you decided to use OfficeGenius, how would you describe the transition from your old system?
I won't deny it: it is never easy to give up something that you know well for something new. But my transition was pretty painless. First, I took it step-by-step. Second, I'm very comfortable on the web, so learning how to use OfficeGenius was simple. It is very intuitive and easy to understand. My total training time with my OfficeGenius rep was less than an hour. After that, I felt comfortable to explore it on my own. Plus, I can always call the OfficeGenius staff with questions or send an inquiry through my on-line support form.

Once I completely migrated over to OfficeGenius, it didn't take me long to realize its full potential. I travel around the country a lot and even sometimes overseas, and having access to all the information that would otherwise be stuck on the computer in the office is a real life-saver. Whether it's from a hotel room or an Internet Cafe, being able to keep in touch with my assistants and customers at all times is wonderful.

After recently moving into a new office in Clayton and hiring a new full-time assistant, I went through yet another transition. A move to a new business location is never an easy task, and it was great to know that my OfficeGenius easily moved with me. My new assistant learned how to use my virtual office quickly and easily. It was great not to have to orient her to tons of paper piles and books designated for appointments, calendars, and business contacts -- it's all online! She will be the first to tell you how much she loves it.

Thus far, what is your favorite part about OfficeGenius?
I love several things about it. First, I'm amazed at how it is always growing and improving. It seems like every time I log in, some cool new feature has been added. I also feel like the staff at OfficeGenius "hears" me! Any time I have a new request to make the experience on my virtual office easier, they always hear me out. In fact, they've implemented several of my requests, which I have to say, rarely happens in any other company.

Secondly, I'm impressed with the customer service response time. Whether it is through the phone or via my support form, I always get complete and detailed answers in a timely manner. I love that!